

Before You Get Started

Students must complete a FAFSA application, be in a degree-seeking/certificate program and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA for most awards.

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PBSC Admissions application must be completed in order to have your student ID and password necessary to log into the scholarship application system.

Complete a PBSC Admissions Applicationarrow_circle_right


Explore the list below and find additional information and application links.

Types of Scholarships

For more information on scholarships, please email

Premier Scholarships (Graduating high school seniors only)


These scholarships are funded by Palm Beach State College. Specific criteria must be met to be eligible and and awardees are usually notified by email. Applications for these scholarships opens in October. You'll need to fill out an application to be considered for a Premier Scholarship.

These scholarships are open to graduating high school seniors only.

Apply Today!


Presidential Honors College Scholarship

  • Award: A two-year award worth $6,000 per academic year ($2,000/semester).
  • Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits
  • Funds available:  Fall, Spring and Summer
  • Funds cover:  In-state tuition, registration fees, books & educational expense
  • Criteria:
    • Graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA
    • Renewal Cumulative GPA: 3.5 
    • Must have College ready test scores
    • Must participate in Honors College's Gold Track
    • Must enroll for classes during the fall term following high school graduation
    • Must complete mandatory Honors College Orientation
    • Able to renew if continue with PBSC Bachelor's program 
    • Not able to stack with other Honors College scholarships


Green & Gold Scholarship

  • Award: A two-year award worth $3,000 per academic year ($1,500/Fall and Spring).
  • Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits
  • Funds available:  Fall and Spring
  • Funds cover:  In-state tuition, registration fees, books & educational expense
  • Criteria:
    • Graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.2 unweighted GPA. 
    • Renewal Cumulative GPA: 3.2
    • Must have College ready test scores.
    • Must enroll for classes during the fall term following high school graduation.
    • Able to renew if continue with PBSC Bachelor's program


Finish4Free Scholarship

  • Award: Full tuition and registration fees for selected students who have earned 30 or more college credits to complete their Associate degree.
  • Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits
  • Funds available:  Fall and Spring
  • Funds cover:  In-state tuition, registration fees
  • Criteria:
    • Graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.0 unweighted GPA.
    • Renewal Cumulative GPA: 3.0
    • Must enroll for classes during the fall term following high school graduation.
    • Must have 30 College credits by the time of graduation (Dual Enrollment, AP, AICE or CLEP)
    • Able to renew if continue with PBSC Bachelor's program


2+2 Scholarship (For high school Dual Enrollment students only)

  • Award: 2 years of tuition and books $2,000 per academic year ($1,000/Fall and Spring)
  • Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits (Fall/Spring)
  • Funds Available:  Fall, Spring
  • Funds Cover:  In-state tuition and books 
  • Criteria:
    • Graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.0 unweighted GPA.
    • Renewal Cumulative GPA: 3.0
    • Must enroll for classes during the fall term following high school graduation.
    • Must have completed Dual Enrollment courses.
    • Completed an appropriate FAFSA annually

Departmental Scholarships


These scholarships are funded by Palm Beach State College and awardees are usually selected by departments (i.e. Athletes, Music-Theater, Honors). Some scholarships have applications but most do not. Departments will notify qualifying students.

Note: Transient and Dual Enrolled students are not eligible due to non-degree seeking and admissions status.

Departmental Scholarship List

(Scholarships are listed alphabetically for ease of use)

Scholarship Name Award Term Award & Criteria Department Responsible For Selection Is An Application Needed?
4.0 Achievement Award Fall - Award amounts may vary per semester.
- Must be currently enrolled with a 4.0 GPA.
- Must have completed two consecutive terms (Fall/Spring).
- Must have earned a minimum of 24 PBSC credits (not including prep courses).
Selection based on requirements once per academic year No
Athletic Scholarship Fall/Spring (Summer is at department's discretion) - Amounts awarded per semester vary.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits.
- Must be accepted to participate in a PBSC Sport team: Women's Basketball, Men's Basketball, Baseball, Softball or Volleyball.
- Must maintain SAP Standards.
Recruited and selected by Athletic Department No
Bachelor's Scholarship Fall/Spring - Awarded to students based on criteria determined by each degree area.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 6 credits.
- GPA Requirement: 3.5.
Bachelor's Department No
District Board of Trustees Scholarship Fall/Spring - Award for the cost of 6 credit hours.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 6 credits.
- Must be elected as Student Trustee.
- Must maintain SAP Standards.
Application and selection made by department Yes
Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Emerging Scholars Scholarship Fall/Spring/Summer - Award: $3,000 over six (6) semesters.
- Enrollment Required: 12 credits Fall & Spring;  6 in summer.
- Open to currently and First-Time-in-College (FTIC) students with a minimum 2.5 unweighted GPA.
- Renewal Cum. GPA: 3.0.
- Must be planning to pursue an associate degree at PBSC.
- Priority given to First Generation College (1stGen) students majoring in Education.
- Must complete FAFSA.
Selection made by department Yes
Drumline Scholarship Fall/Spring - Award amounts may vary.
- GPA Requirement: 2.5.
- Must maintain SAP Standards.
- Must participate in PBSC's Drumline.
Selection made by department No
First Step 2 Success Scholarship Summer - In-state tuition, registration fees and books ($500 maximum).
- Must be a First-Time-in-College (FTIC) student with a standard high school diploma.
- Must be planning to pursue an AA degree at Palm Beach State College.
- Must complete FAFSA and be eligible to receive the Pell Grant.
GED Merit Scholarship Fall/Spring - Award for the cost of 3 credit hours.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 3 credits.
- 3 scholarships are awarded.
Selection made by department No
Leadership Development Scholarship Fall/Spring - Award for the cost of 3 credit hours.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 3 credits.
- 3 scholarships are awarded.
Selection made by department No
Miley Miller Foundation, Inc. Leaders in Action Scholarship Fall/Spring/Summer - Award: $1,500 over three (3) semesters.
- Enrollment Requirement: 12 credits fall & spring; 6 in summer.
- Must be currently enrolled 2nd-year student in good academic standing (min. 30 credits and 2.5 GPA).
- Must have renewable cumulative GPA: 3.0.
- Must be available to serve as a Peer Advisor in the Summer Bridge Program.
- Must complete FAFSA.
Selection made by department Yes
Music Scholarship Spring - Award will cover tuition for music ensemble course.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits.
- Coursework GPA Requirement: 2.5.
- Musical Coursework GPA Requirement: 3.0.
- Must preform in student recital.
Selection made by department No
NextEra Foundation, Inc. Innovators in STEM Scholarship Fall/Spring/Summer - Award: $3,000 over six (6) semesters
- Enrollment Required: 12 credits fall & spring; 6 in summer
- Open to currently and First-Time-in-College (FTIC) students with a minimum 2.5 unweighted GPA.
- Renewal Cum. GPA: 3.0
- Must be planning to pursue an associate degree at Palm Beach State College.
- Priority given to First Generation College (1stGen) students majoring in Electrical Power & Engineering Technology and other STEM related fields.
- Must complete FAFSA.
Selection made by department Yes
Principal's Choice Scholarship Fall/Spring - A two-year award worth $4,000 per academic year ($2,000/semester).
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits
- High school graduate with a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA.
- Renewal Cumulative GPA: 3.5
- Must have College ready test scores
- Student must not have more than 30 credit hours of Dual Enroll, Early Admission or AP credit hours
- Able to renew if continue with PBSC Bachelor's program
Selection by Palm Beach County Principals No
Student Government Scholarship Fall/Spring - Award amounts may vary.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 6 credits
- GPA Requirement: 2.0
- Must be a member of the Student Government
- Must be an inducted Senator
- Must participate in on Campus event
Selection based on SGA membership No
4.0 Achievement Award
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award amounts may vary per semester.
- Must be currently enrolled with a 4.0 GPA.
- Must have completed two consecutive terms (Fall/Spring).
- Must have earned a minimum of 24 PBSC credits (not including prep courses).
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection based on requirements once per academic year
Is An Application Needed?
Athletic Scholarship
Award Term
Fall/Spring (Summer is at department's discretion)
Award & Criteria
- Amounts awarded per semester vary.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits.
- Must be accepted to participate in a PBSC Sport team: Women's Basketball, Men's Basketball, Baseball, Softball or Volleyball.
- Must maintain SAP Standards.
Department Responsible For Selection
Recruited and selected by Athletic Department
Is An Application Needed?
Bachelor's Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Awarded to students based on criteria determined by each degree area.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 6 credits.
- GPA Requirement: 3.5.
Department Responsible For Selection
Bachelor's Department
Is An Application Needed?
District Board of Trustees Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award for the cost of 6 credit hours.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 6 credits.
- Must be elected as Student Trustee.
- Must maintain SAP Standards.
Department Responsible For Selection
Application and selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Emerging Scholars Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award: $3,000 over six (6) semesters.
- Enrollment Required: 12 credits Fall & Spring;  6 in summer.
- Open to currently and First-Time-in-College (FTIC) students with a minimum 2.5 unweighted GPA.
- Renewal Cum. GPA: 3.0.
- Must be planning to pursue an associate degree at PBSC.
- Priority given to First Generation College (1stGen) students majoring in Education.
- Must complete FAFSA.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
Drumline Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award amounts may vary.
- GPA Requirement: 2.5.
- Must maintain SAP Standards.
- Must participate in PBSC's Drumline.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
First Step 2 Success Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- In-state tuition, registration fees and books ($500 maximum).
- Must be a First-Time-in-College (FTIC) student with a standard high school diploma.
- Must be planning to pursue an AA degree at Palm Beach State College.
- Must complete FAFSA and be eligible to receive the Pell Grant.
Department Responsible For Selection
Is An Application Needed?
GED Merit Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award for the cost of 3 credit hours.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 3 credits.
- 3 scholarships are awarded.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
Leadership Development Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award for the cost of 3 credit hours.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 3 credits.
- 3 scholarships are awarded.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
Miley Miller Foundation, Inc. Leaders in Action Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award: $1,500 over three (3) semesters.
- Enrollment Requirement: 12 credits fall & spring; 6 in summer.
- Must be currently enrolled 2nd-year student in good academic standing (min. 30 credits and 2.5 GPA).
- Must have renewable cumulative GPA: 3.0.
- Must be available to serve as a Peer Advisor in the Summer Bridge Program.
- Must complete FAFSA.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
Music Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award will cover tuition for music ensemble course.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits.
- Coursework GPA Requirement: 2.5.
- Musical Coursework GPA Requirement: 3.0.
- Must preform in student recital.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
NextEra Foundation, Inc. Innovators in STEM Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award: $3,000 over six (6) semesters
- Enrollment Required: 12 credits fall & spring; 6 in summer
- Open to currently and First-Time-in-College (FTIC) students with a minimum 2.5 unweighted GPA.
- Renewal Cum. GPA: 3.0
- Must be planning to pursue an associate degree at Palm Beach State College.
- Priority given to First Generation College (1stGen) students majoring in Electrical Power & Engineering Technology and other STEM related fields.
- Must complete FAFSA.
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection made by department
Is An Application Needed?
Principal's Choice Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- A two-year award worth $4,000 per academic year ($2,000/semester).
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits
- High school graduate with a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA.
- Renewal Cumulative GPA: 3.5
- Must have College ready test scores
- Student must not have more than 30 credit hours of Dual Enroll, Early Admission or AP credit hours
- Able to renew if continue with PBSC Bachelor's program
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection by Palm Beach County Principals
Is An Application Needed?
Student Government Scholarship
Award Term
Award & Criteria
- Award amounts may vary.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 6 credits
- GPA Requirement: 2.0
- Must be a member of the Student Government
- Must be an inducted Senator
- Must participate in on Campus event
Department Responsible For Selection
Selection based on SGA membership
Is An Application Needed?


Foundation Scholarships


Looking for  scholarship? Student scholarships are organized through PBSC's Foundation. Please visit their website for more information.

Looking to give to a scholarship? Please visit the Foundation's Giving to Scholarships webpage for more information.

Honors Scholarships


Honors College Scholarship
Award Term: Fall/Spring
Award & Criteria:
- A $1000 award per academic year ($500 per semester).
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits.
- GPA Requirement: 3.5.
- Must be accepted in to the Honors College.
- Must be enrolled full time (12 credit hours).
- Must be enrolled in at least one Honors course.
Is An Application Needed?  No

Honors College Merit Award
Award Term: Fall or Spring
Award & Criteria:
- A $500 award for a semester.
- Enrollment Requirement: Min. 12 credits.
- GPA Requirement: 3.5. 
- Must be a Honor College participant.
- Must complete at least two Honors courses.
Is An Application Needed?  Yes,  Apply Now

Stewart Honors College Scholarship
Award Term: Fall/Spring
Award & Criteria:
- A $500 award for a semester.
- Good academic standing.
- Full time or part time.
- Completed 6 credits of honor coursework.
- Must have 5 honor activity points.
Is An Application Needed?  No


Center For Student Accessibility


Center for Student Accessibility Scholarship

Award Term: Spring/Summer

Award & Criteria:
- Amounts awarded vary per semester.

A student must:
- Completed at least six (6) units (credit hours) or its equivalent for CCP programs at Palm Beach State College and registered with the Center for Student Accessibility.
- Be enrolled in at least six (6) units (credit hours) or its equivalent for CCP programs.
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 (or equivalent if enrolled in a CCP certificate program).
- Have submitted a FAFSA application.
- Submit a 300-word essay about one of these three topics: 1) How My Disability Has Impacted My College Experience, 2) My Planned Academic Goals, OR 3) My Career Goals.

Is An Application Needed?  Yes


Additional Scholarship Resources
These scholarships are funded by local and regional individuals or organizations. Students normally research and apply for these scholarships on their own.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF) 
Scholarships are the primary means by which EAF carries out its mission. The Foundation awards Merit, Financial Need and Youth Partners Accessing Capital (Y.P.A.C.) scholarships. For information on scholarship instructions and access to the application portal, please visit

Bank of America Abilities Scholarship Program
This program awards scholarships to students with disabilities (including learning disabilities) who have a career interest in finance, business or computer science, a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and who reside in various states, including Florida. For more information, write to Bank of America Abilities Scholarship Program, PO Box 1465, Taylors SC 29687 or call 1- 864-268-3363.

Florida Council of the Blind Scholarship Program
The Florida Council of the Blind Scholarship Program consists of awards totaling $4,000.00, that are offered to outstanding students who are enrolled in academic education, professional or technical training beyond the high school level. For more information, please visit or contact Gabriel Lopez Kafati via email: or phone: 786-547-5465.

Yes I Can! Foundation for Exceptional Children
The Yes I Can! Foundation for Exceptional Children offers the Stanley E. Jackson Scholarships and Sara Conlon Memorial Scholarship. Each scholarship is $500 for first year college students with a disability. US citizenship is required. For more information, write to Foundation for Exceptional Children, 1110 North Glebe Road, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201-5704 or send email to

Pilot International Founders Fund
The Pilot International Founders Fund was established to support the community-based work of Pilot Clubs by helping to underwrite Club service in the areas of Encouraging Brain Safety & Health, and/or Supporting Those who Care for Others. There are a number of scholarship and grant opportunities available. For more information, please visit

P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children's Education
The P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children's Education is a non profit organization that facilitates integration of the arts, in all its forms, into school curriculums, specifically addressing children who learn differently. Visit or call 800-430-1320 for scholarship information.

SEEK Scholarships


Seeking Excellence and Education through Knowledge, commonly referred to as SEEK, is a scholarship program dedicated to improving the quality of Palm Beach County early childhood education environments through staff development.  The SEEK scholarship is funded by the Children's Services Council and administered by Palm Beach State College through the Institute of Excellence in Early Care and Education (IEECE).

Learn More

Private Donor/Other Scholarships


These scholarships are funded by local and regional individuals or organizations. Students normally research and apply for these scholarships on their own.

Note: Application dates vary for each private donor scholarship.


Resources that offer multiple scholarships or general scholarship information: 


Instructions for Private Donors

Please be sure the student's name and PBSC ID or social security number are on the check. Make checks payable and addressed to Palm Beach State College:

Cashier’s Office
Palm Beach State College-Lake Worth
4200 Congress Avenue, MS#11
Lake Worth, FL 33461

Tel: 561-868-3250
Fax: 561-868-3080

Once a check is received, it will be deposited into a “Non-Restricted” account in which the fund can be used for any educational related expenses. Any fees owed to the college will be deducted and the remaining funds will be made available to the recipient via direct deposit or a check mailed to the address on file.

A check made payable to the student must be endorsed by the student. A non-endorsed check will be returned to the student's local address with instructions on how to proceed.

The following information should accompany your donation:

  • Your name, address and pertinent contact information
  • The semester in which the funds are to be disbursed

Please note that Private Donor scholarship fund must be received two weeks before the student's tuition and fees’ due date in order for the fund to be applied in a timely manner.

Transfer Scholarships


The schools below offer scholarships for students completing their associate degree at Palm Beach State and will be transferring to their university to continue their education.

Florida Atlantic University

Florida International University

St. Thomas University

University of Central Florida

University of South Florida